One down, one to go.
I made up my mind to keep my house in London. I still think I will eventually move there permanently. Until then I plan on dividing my time between the US and the UK. I called Bill Sunday and gave him the news. He was OK with the whole thing. He’s going to start looking for a place. But he said they may decide not to buy as central London properties are so expensive and they love the house.
That leaves me with the decision about the place here. I am leaning toward staying here. I think I’ll call my realtor, decline the offer, and pull the house off the market. I am not ready to give up our house. Maybe one day, but I don’t think I can do it just yet. And I like the idea of having S & P for neighbours.
Having said that, there are two things that really bug me about living here.
1. I never had allergies until I moved here. Now I sneeze from April until June. I hate that.
2. The local Nashville network affiliates and newspaper are crap. I hate not having a good newspaper and local news show.
That reminds me, every news report this week has been drug related. Who knew there was such a huge drug problem in Tennessee? Not I. Well that’s not exactly true. I vaguely remember a National Geographic article years ago that said marijuana had become the state’s number one cash crop. Now the big scourge is crystal meth. Forget the days of moonshine stills, evidently today every hillbilly and his brother/uncle has a meth lab. Tennessee has become the meth lab capital of US. I always associated drugs with big cities. Sadly, that’s not true. They’re everywhere, even here in small town America. Our local hospital in the nearest town recently had an incident where a nurse witnessed someone steal a morphine patch from a patient's chest and flee. I think I’ll dig a moat around my property and pull up the drawbridge.
I have managed to ramble from real estate to drugs. I think you have suffered enough. I’ll quit before I bore you even more with the latest stories about this or that local “celebrity”.
“Come on, Sam. It’s time to walk the north forty and plan that moat”.
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