Friday, March 04, 2005

I missed you

It is amazing how dependant I am on the internet. I won’t get into what that says about my life or my lack of one. Tuesday I had a virus disable my antivirus software and attack my operating system. So I had to take the PC to the shop to have the virus removed. The probable same day service I was quoted turned into two days. Two days without a PC. Two days of hell. Two days of absolute nerve jangling withdrawal. Two days of boredom.

Normally I would not have been bothered. I would have simply used the laptop until the PC had been repaired. But my laptop was stolen at Heathrow Airport last June and I never got around to replacing it. I had to find something else to occupy my time. Oh sure, I had the TV and I do have cable. But it is not the same. I had my iPod, but that wasn’t enough. I felt denied. And I don’t do that often or well. I looked for things to do around the house. I did them. That took an hour. I found myself going back into my office and staring at the empty space where the PC should have been.

I was torn between the desire to drive into Nashville to the nearest internet café and the urge to stay around the house and wait for the call to pick up the PC. I was sure the minute I headed down the drive the repair shop would call. So I stayed home and willed the phone to ring. But it didn’t until late yesterday afternoon.

This morning God is in his heaven and all is right with the world again. I have internet. And as soon as I finish this I am going online to buy a spare PC and another laptop. Prince Charles got it right. One must have an heir and a spare.