OK. I have a confession to make. I am about to come out of the closet. I..uh..am..uh a
bacon junkie. There I said it.
For years I have meditated, exercised, dieted, moisturized, flossed, and exfoliated to maintain my
Greek god fit exterior. I eat egg white omelets, fresh vegetables and fruit, skinless chicken, and I drink water all day long. I gave up cigarettes. I drastically reduced my alcohol consumption.
BUT, I will not give up bacon. I don’t just love it I
NEED it. This became glaringly apparent this morning.
I went to the grocery store yesterday to buy dog food. My only other purchase was a pound of bacon. I brought my purchases inside and did not empty the sacks. Soooo when I looked for the bacon in the refrigerator this morning I couldn't find it. It was in a sack on the table with the dog food, unrefrigerated for 20 hours. Any sane person would have simply thrown it in the garbage. But sanity is an iffy trait in my personality makeup. I went online and googled “unrefrigerated bacon" and found a few posts that said the delicious sodium nitrate and healthy gassing during packaging would probably render it safe if cooked and consumed immediately. That was good enough for me. So my dog, Sam, and I had a scrumptious bacon breakfast. Now we wait............................................
If I don’t post for a while please know that I have a simple case of Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella, Clostridium perfringens, Campylobacter, Listeria monocytogenes, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Bacillus cereus, or Entero-pathogenic Escherichia coli…..and that I still love bacon.